
For oversea customer

Oversea people can also use this service “Via E-Talk”. There is just possible to talk or ask us something with English.
We apologize for inconvenience.Then please refer to each web-pages with using “Google Translator” to know our service details and rules.
We’re going to attach the some important pages below. Please tap and check the pages which you want to know more information.

If you have some questions, kindly contact us.

Contact application

LINE(code: @001qlndt)
LARK(Our Profile link: https://go.larksuite.com/JoLPxv/)

For guest

Course & payment

There are 4 types of course and set the fee each of them.

Start guide

This is flow of starting service.

LARK setting

We use application LARK when participants talk with Filipino.

For applicant

Please tap and check the each course.
Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum

5 days free trial registration form

Everybody can try 5days free trial. After this, kindly proceed payment to join Via E-Talk from here.